Fire Service and Libraries Consultations – have your say!

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Fire Service and Libraries Consultations – have your say!

Oxfordshire County Council is currently conducting two consultations.

Libraries, museums and history service consultation

It’s time to dream big: Tell us what you would like from your local library, the museums or the history service in the future.

Should your library be more of a social hub, or somewhere you and your family can learn and grow? Perhaps it should help provide a space for start-ups and support local business, or give opportunities for communities to let their creative juices flow. How can we bring Oxfordshire’s past into the future for you and your family?

We’d love to hear all your ideas, and the bigger they are, the better. They’ll help shape and inform our strategy for Oxfordshire’s libraries, museums and the history service going forward. Every community is different, so be ambitious and let’s design the future together –

Fire and rescue service consultation

How our fire and rescue service keep us safe and well over the next four years is being planned right now. Changing how safety advice is delivered, reducing call outs and working more with businesses to reduce risk are just three of the things they’re looking at.

Take a look at what’s planned for the next four years and complete the short survey to tell us what you think:

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