Oxfordshire VCS Coalition – Organisational Resilience During the Cost of Living Crisis – join the meeting.

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Oxfordshire VCS Coalition – Organisational Resilience During the Cost of Living Crisis – join the meeting.

The Oxfordshire VCS Coalition are delighted to welcome Jill Hopkinson, Policy Manager of NAVCA who will give us a national perspective on our local challenges. The session will also include some practical tools and tips for staff wellbeing and the latest information on local resources available for the sector. Come and join us – everyone is welcome!

  • Tuesday 6th December 2022 at 3.00 pm. It will be held online.

Please click the link below to register your interest:

Oxfordshire VCS Coalition – Organisational Resilience During the Cost of Living Crisis – join the meeting. – Oxfordshire Community & Voluntary Action (ocva.org.uk)

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