OCC – Have your say on 2023/24 proposals

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OCC – Have your say on 2023/24 proposals

Have your say on 2023/24 proposals

Households across Oxfordshire are facing huge financial pressures. Oxfordshire County Council are also facing their most difficult budget pressures for many years.
In 2023/24, there is a significant funding shortfall of at least £44 million caused by inflationary costs and increased demand on services.
Oxfordshire County Council are on the frontline of supporting the most vulnerable people in our communities but as the cost of providing services rises and government funding fails to keep pace with inflation, they have to make tough choices.
Their budget proposals total £35m of savings, which still leave a £9m gap.
By providing your feedback on proposals, which are based on what is known now, you can help inform decisions.

Have your say before 19 December 2022.

Link: Budget consultation 2023-24 | Let’s Talk Oxfordshire

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