Knowledge Exchange Event for Rural Communities – 12th June

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Knowledge Exchange Event for Rural Communities – 12th June

Do you live in a rural area of England? Are you interested in community asset ownership – communities which own and run buildings or spaces which matter to them?

The British Academy and Nuffield Foundation funded project ‘Rural assets: policy and practice insights from the devolved nations’ wants to understand whether community asset acquisition supports the empowerment, resilience and wellbeing of rural communities across the UK.

On June 12th we are hosting a knowledge exchange event for rural communities that that are either considering taking on a community asset in the future and those simply interested in finding out more about Community Ownership or Community Asset Transfer. Rural community organisations, community leads, and individual community members based in England are invited to attend. We will be joined by key organisations in the sector who will introduce their work and the support they provide to communities interested in community ownership:

  • Community Ownership Fund
  • Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE)
  • Plunkett Foundation
  • Community Shares
  • Community Land Trust Network

The event aims at introducing Community Ownership and Community Asset Transfer to communities and community members interested in owning and running buildings or spaces which matter to them. We will also share and exchange knowledge and lived experience between rural communities to identify facilitators and barriers within asset acquisition processes. Your views and opinions will be directly fed into policy and legislation. It is hoped that your experience and knowledge will help others to navigate and develop successful projects.

The event will last around 2/2.5h and we will be joined by key player organisations in the field to discuss topics directly related to Community Ownership or Community Asset Transfer in rural contexts, such as:

  • Funding and funding routes available
  • Skills and enterprise useful to acquire/own/run a rural asset.
  • Specific rural circumstances that influence community asset acquisition
  • Facilitators and barriers to community asset acquisition
  • How acquisition processes in rural communities affect empowerment, resilience and wellbeing.

For more information about our project please visit or follow us on Twitter @RuralAssetsUK

A Zoom link for the online event will be emailed to you separately once registered. Please register here:


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