New Local Authority support for community-led housing projects

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New Local Authority support for community-led housing projects

Collaborative Housing – the CFO-hosted support service for community-led housing in the Thames Valley – is delighted to announce that all six of Oxfordshire’s Local Authorities have agreed to fund the service for the next two years.

Fiona Brown, Communities Lead at Collaborative Housing, said: We are really pleased that our Local Authorities have recognised the hard work that has gone into building Collaborative Housing in the last few years. Community-led housing is beginning to take off across the country and this funding will allow us to continue to be part of that groundswell in Oxfordshire.

The funding agreement will allow Collaborative Housing to deliver support for new  community-led housing groups, allow us to continue to help build the sector locally, while raising the profile and importance of community-led approaches to being part of the mix to meeting local housing needs.

CFO and Collaborative Housing look forward to building our partnership with Oxfordshire County Council, Cherwell District Council, Oxford City Council, South Oxfordshire District Council, Vale of White Horse District Council and West Oxfordshire District Council.

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