Well Together – June Update – The Story So Far

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Well Together – June Update – The Story So Far

Since the programme launched, the Well Together team have talked and listened with so many fantastic people and groups to find out about their ideas for health and wellbeing activities that can reduce health inequalities – it’s been a wonderful experience.

All these rich conversations have resulted in over 120 expressions of interest, and we’re now busy allocating the funding across projects in areas of Oxford, Banbury and Abingdon, following the initial allocation of the first 20% earlier this year.

The Well Together team are building funding plans in each of the 10 wards, ensuring that each area has a good mix of activities that address health inequalities at a community level. This careful and bespoke approach means that as we focus on getting the right funds to the right activities you might be seeing and hearing less from the team but don’t worry you can still contact us if you want more information or advice: [email protected]

The high levels of expressions of interests means that we are expecting to close the application process next month, so that we can ensure that all funds are allocated before November 2024. This deadline will allow all activities to have at least a year to make use of the funding.

We look forward to announcing the next round of funding plans and sharing stories of the funded activities soon.

The Well Together team

(OCVA and Community First Oxfordshire)

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Well Together Programme | Community First Oxfordshire (communityfirstoxon.org)

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