Become a Trustee for Healthwatch Oxfordshire

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Become a Trustee for Healthwatch Oxfordshire

  • Do you care about the way health and social care services are run in Oxfordshire?
  • Would you like to play a part in making these services better for all?

If so, we need you! Why not join us a trustee and help make a difference to communities across Oxfordshire?

Healthwatch Oxfordshire is an independent champion for people who use health and social care services across the county. We listen to people’s experiences and share what we hear with commissioners and providers of services to help bring about improvements.

Why become a trustee?

One of our current trustees says: “Being a trustee of Healthwatch Oxfordshire brings a real mix of responsibility and reward. Having oversight of the proper running of a charitable organisation is stimulating and satisfying. So too is supporting dedicated staff and volunteers to shine a light on excellence and shortcomings in the delivery of health and social care across the county. Using skills and experience you already have, and learning new things, you get back much more than you put in.”

What do you need?

A bit of spare time (probably only around 20 hours a year), common sense, and to care that those around you get good quality health and social care services when they need them.

We are looking for people who:

  • Are committed to addressing unfairness in health and social care provision
  • Understand how lack of access to health and social care affects people’s everyday lives
  • Can communicate well and are able to listen in a supportive and non-judgemental way.

As a trustee you will bring your lived experiences and skills to our board. If you haven’t been a trustee before we will ensure you are given a thorough induction to the role. Our current trustees and staff will be on hand to support you to develop your knowledge and skills.

We welcome applications from people of all ages and backgrounds. We would particularly welcome applications from people with lived experience of using health and social care services as well as those from Oxfordshire’s diverse and multi-ethnic communities.

Our aims

We will support you to have your say; ensure all voices are heard and work together to help improve health and social care services.

We make a difference

Over the last few years we have seen changes happen because we listened to what people thought and needed. We took those concerns to various organisations in the county who listened, realised that things needed changing and did just that!

As an example, in 2018 we carried out a project raising awareness of NHS Health Checks in which 200 men from diverse communities in East Oxford shared their views. Following that work we suggested Health Checks should be available in a community setting where men regularly attend, and promoted by community members. Both these suggestions are addressed by a new Men’s Health Checks service commissioned by Public Health Oxfordshire in 2022.

You can help make that change happen.

Find out more

Please see our Trustee Information Pack for more details about the role and how to apply, or get in touch on 01865 520520 or at [email protected]

We are also looking for someone with financial, business or charity management experience, and strong skills in management accounting and financial controls to become our new Treasurer. To find out more about this trustee role see here.

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