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Bucknell Village Hall

Bucknell, Cherwell


Middleton Road, Bucknell, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX27 7LX

Booking Contact

Colin Hornby
t: 07730437924
e: [email protected]

Facilities Available

Seated Capacity 80

Car park spaces 15


There is an entrance lobby containing a small bar with a sink unit. The adjoining Ladies, Gents and Disabled toilets all have Basins with Hot & Cold water supplies and Hand Driers.

The main hall measures 12 x 6 metres and at one end has a 6 x 2.5 metres raised stage 600mm high. The stage can be accessed independently from the main hall and from both sides, from the side extension and from a lobby that adjoins the kitchen.

The side extension off the main hall measures 6 x 2.4 metres and is used for storage of
16 folding tables 700 x 1800mm, 3 folding tables 700 x 900mm, 80 stacking chairs &
8 upholstered chairs with arm rests.

The kitchen measures 3.7 x 2.5 metres and is equipped with double sink and drainer with
H. & C. water supply, a single oven, separate hob, a refrigerator, freestanding Urn and a hostess trolley. 80 Dinner & Dessert Plates with cutlery are also available for hire.
A fully equipped sound and vision system with a screen is available for hire (at additional cost to the main hall), and has a remote controlled OHP, DVD Blue Ray player & a Freeview box. The system also has a remote connection for other peripheral equipment e.g. Laptop computer. The sound system also has a built in induction loop system for hearing aids.

Heating to the entire hall is from radiator’s run from an Air source Heat Pump and thermostatically controlled electrical radiant heaters.

There is disabled access to the hall and a loo for disabled people too.

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