Category Archives: News/Blog

Community First Oxfordshire – supporting healthy communities

How does our work contribute to health and wellbeing across the county?

Health is more than just ‘not being ill’. As the WHO explains: “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being” and staying well in daily life can help prevent illness.

There are lots of things which impact health, much more than just medical care (though this is crucial). Whether it’s a community dance class or a footpath to a nature reserve, our social and physical surroundings influence our wellbeing. If we are connected to people, encouraged to exercise, comfortable in our homes, and able to access healthcare, we are generally happier and healthier.

Here’s an infographic explaining how our work links to health:

Community First Oxfordshire, supporting healthy communities

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Village Halls Week – Monday 17th to Sunday 23rd March 2025!

This year we are celebrating the army of volunteers who run our community buildings. It’s a fantastic chance to spotlight the efforts of volunteers who keep these important venues open for the benefit of local residents, groups, and rural businesses. Let’s celebrate together!

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