Category Archives: News/Blog

Future of Rural Transport Strategy – Consultation

Following the Future of mobility: urban strategy published in March 2019 the Department for Transport (DfT) is seeking views and evidence on what could be incorporated into a Future of Transport: rural strategy.

You can access the consultation here

This consultation document is structured in 3 sections:

  • the context of the Future of Transport: rural strategy
  • assessment of the mobility trends in rural areas, and the emerging opportunities for rural environments that we are witnessing in transport innovation – this section seeks views on whether we’ve identified these correctly and further evidence for these trends
  • consideration of the approach that the government could take to help shape these opportunities to benefit rural areas

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Bringing Your Community Together 2021 – FREE TRAINING

CFO and Oxfordshire Adult Learning have come together to offer FREE TRAINING to inspire and help you strengthen neighbourliness, community action, and build a stronger community.

We know a good community project when we see it. We feel involved, valued, and listened to. This course will develop your skills in working with others in making a lasting difference in your community.


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