Category Archives: News/Blog

Solidarity with the worldwide anti-racism movement

Community First Oxfordshire stands in solidarity with those fighting racism across the world, including here in the UK.

CFO is a community development organisation – our values and practice are rooted in human rights, social justice, and respect for diversity. In our projects we seek to achieve inclusion, remove barriers to involvement, and challenge racism and discrimination. However, being an effective ally in the fight against racism means recognising where we – as individuals and organisations- need to do more. Solidarity must also mean action.

For CFO, this means understanding more about the diversity of lived experiences, challenges, and needs of Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communities and individuals. This means making our projects and practices more inclusive by finding out how we can specifically respond to those needs.

We will do this by: developing a Diversity Action Plan; evaluating our recruitment practices to make them more inclusive; collecting better diversity data from our activity; working more with BAME communities to understand their needs; and critically evaluating our approach to equality, inclusion and diversity within the working environment.

Equality and inclusion create strong, creative, and dynamic places to live and work – we believe that an ongoing appraisal of how we can further those values is at the heart of CFO’s mission.

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Oxfordshire Together – Giving communities control over local services

Oxfordshire Together

A new document highlighting Super Users and other volunteering activities for Parish & Town Councils to consider is now available online. It includes a set of How-To-Guides on initiatives such as sign cleaning and vegetation clearance, as well as being a Fix My Street Super User.

Fix My Street Super User

Following a successful pilot, the Fix My Street Super User volunteer scheme is ready to roll out across the county. The idea is that a member of the community volunteers to be a Super User and receives training from Oxfordshire County Council Highways & Volunteer Coordination teams.

The Super User is then able to monitor the pavements and 30mph or less unclassified roads, and directly order repair works to potholes that meet the specific criteria. The aim is to make repairs more efficient; saving time, money and making things safe. For more information email: [email protected] 

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