Category Archives: News/Blog

COVID-19 Support Fund – Successful Groups!

CFO and OCVA administered the Supporting Communities Through Covid-19 fund, part of Oxfordshire’s Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF), on behalf of Oxfordshire County Council.

In total, we received 111 applications amounting to £1,582,329 in total funds requested and had £256,500 to distribute. The high number of applications clearly shows the tremendous amount of work taking place across Oxfordshire to support our communities and the funding required to do this.

Of the 111 applications, we were able – and delighted! – to award funds to 26 applicants (see table below).

Of course, the majority of organisations who developed very good projects and applications were unsuccessful namely because of the limited pot of funds available, however we are very conscious that we offer support beyond funding.

With this in mind, we have employed a Community Development Programme Officer to support community groups and organisations which applied for the funds (successful and unsuccessful applications). The Community Development Programme Officer will proactively offer a range of ongoing support to help funded and unfunded projects to achieve their aims sustainably, allowing communities to emerge stronger, with durable solutions to the challenges they face.

Successful Group Project Summary
Archway To continue  befriending  Mental Health and Disability clients
Asylum Welcome Continuation of coordinating our COVID-19 response
Barton Community Association To  help us to continue and expand our Community Larder to include essentials packages, and also allow us to recruit a dedicated Larder coordinator to oversee the day-to-day running of the Larder
Benson Volunteer Centre Ongoing costs of providing support to local community
Berinsfield Information & Volunteer Centre (BIVC) Ongoing running costs of the charity to support the local community
Chalgrove First Steps To continue to provide support for those who are self-isolating and to gradually re-open safely and continue to develop online services
Chinnor Rugby Football Packaging to provide meals for vulnerable residents.
Citizens Advice North Oxfordshire Connect! Empowering digitally marginalised Oxfordshire residents to get online by developing volunteer Digital Champions
Citizens Advice South and Vale To fund two part-time advisers who will provide advice on debt, benefits, employment and housing and support available in wake of Covid-19 impacts
FISH Volunteer Centre Continue our working in the community – transport to vaccination centres, PPE for drivers etc
Great Western Park Purchase software that we use to manage, distribute and collect data in order to deliver community services and pay for printing materials.
Home Start Safe Connections: Inclusion Coordinator to reach disadvantaged, disproportionally affected families with under 5’s in Oxfordshire to reduce the spread and impact of COVID-19
Kennington Strollers Training for volunteer walk supporters as needed, promotion and publicity for the walks in the locality to reach the people who may most benefit from gentle exercise
Leys CDI Supporting Young People in Blackbird Leys through Covid and beyond with a Weekly Girls Group, Weekly Boys Group and Weekly Friday night open to all group
Oxfordshire Association for the Blind Being There for You – befriending/telephone support
Oxfordshire Crossroads To deliver a digital inclusion project for Carers and people with care needs to support them to live well at home
Refugee Resource Bespoke Citizens Advice Service to address the multiple, complex needs of highly vulnerable refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants
Rose Hill Junior YC To support and enhance our work at the Rose Hill Food Bank
RVS Banbury Weekly Welcome – a service whereby individual trusted volunteers are partnered with local communities in Banbury and surrounding areas
SOFEA Getting Oxfordshire Online – reducing digital inequality. To set up a third hub to receive donations of devices, wipe them securely and reconfigure them, before distributing them to those in need
Syrian Sisters Together we can better (Syrian Sisters wellbeing project) to run series of activities and services which support the mental and physical wellbeing of the refugee and migrant women
The Gatehouse Home delivery of food and other essential items to vulnerably-housed guests, and one to one support provided through our Casework Team.
The Maple Tree Online session for parents with new babies for support and learning and befriending scheme with parents
Thomas Gifford Trust Charlbury Community Support – to help residents with shopping, prescription collection etc
Volunteer Driver Service IT equipment and software because of increased demand for services
Volunteer Link Up Enhance the Good Neighbours scheme network support



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COVID funds available from South and Vale District Councils

South and Vale District Councils are offering  two new funding opportunities that could offer additional financial support to you and your communities as we follow the roadmap out of lockdown.

Covid-19 Support Grant Scheme

The Covid-19 Support Grant offers support to households who are particularly affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

If a resident cannot afford food for themselves or their families, or are struggling to pay utility bills, this scheme can help. We are working with advice agencies across the districts, to provide a holistic package of advice combined with practical support in the form of supermarket voucher, top up fuel vouchers and direct payment of bills.

Anyone who is struggling is urged to contact: Vale Community Impact  01235 765348 (Vale residents only); Citizen’s Advice 0808 278 7907 (South and Vale residents)

This grant scheme will be available until 20 June 2021 or until all funds are spent.

Transportation Grant Scheme

The Transportation Grant Scheme is all about supporting our communities to stay safe on the road to Covid-19 recovery by offering financial assistance towards Covid-19 safe transportation costs.

Voluntary and community organisations are encouraged to apply if they offer transportation or arrange transportation for vulnerable residents or have transportation costs associated with the work to support residents e.g. food and medication delivery.

Please see Transportation Grant Scheme poster or visit our website for more information: or

Community Hub Support

Finally, just a reminder that South and Vale’s team is on hand to answer any Covid-19 support and recovery questions and connect residents with local voluntary groups and organisations who can help with shopping, prescription collections and friendly phone calls if they are feeling isolated.

Our contact details are: 01235 422600/ [email protected]

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