Category Archives: News/Blog

Guidance for preventing infection

Oxfordshire’s Local Authorities have put together ADVICE FOR CONTROLLING COVID-19 INFECTION

“Communities, third sector organisations and small businesses have an essential role to play in supporting more vulnerable people but want to make sure that all those involved clearly understand how to keep themselves and others safe. This guidance pulls together published government advice to help support people wanting
to work or volunteer with practical advice on infection control measures to minimise the risk of person to person spread of COVID-19.

For reliable up-to-date information always visit:

Because it’s a new illness, we do not know exactly how coronavirus spreads from person to person. Similar viruses are spread in cough droplets. It’s very unlikely it can be spread through things like packages or food. Your local district council Environmental Health Department can provide advice on safe food handling and preparation.”

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Covid-19 – support and advice from CFO


These are very concerning times for us all. We want to reassure communities that CFO is here to support you. We will be ramping up our online advice and you can reach us by phone or email.

This week the government announced social distancing measures to which we all must adhere. When we reduce our day-to-day contact with other people, we will reduce the spread of the infection. That is why the government is now (23 March 2020) introducing three new measures; Requiring people to stay at home, except for very limited purposes; Closing non-essential shops and community spaces; and Stopping all gatherings of more than two people in public.

Every citizen must comply with these new measures. The relevant authorities, including the police, will be given the powers to enforce them – including through fines and dispersing gatherings.

These measures are effective from 23 March. The Government will look again at these measures in three weeks and relax them if the evidence shows this is possible.


With social distancing in mind, all community transport services should now be suspended. For further advice contact Emily Lewis-Edwards on 01865 883 488.

CFO has drawn up specific advice for community halls. This is available HERE. For further advice contact Tessa Hall on 01865 884 488.

We understand that you may be concerned about oil deliveries. We’re here to respond to your concerns. Contact Sue Hunt if you need help on 01865 883 488.


It has been fantastically heartening to see our wonderful communities stepping up to the mark and rolling out community support services for those in need.

With so many groups forming, an Oxford-based charity called KEEN has decided to make it easier for people to find out where their closest support group is.

KEEN have set up a website called Oxfordshire All In to co-ordinate all coronavirus neighbourhood support groups across the county. The site maps where the groups are, puts people in touch with them who ask for help and uses the local groups to reach out to those who may not be connected online or informed.

If your community has set up a local initiative please make sure that you add your group to the website. It is very easy to do so.


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