Category Archives: News/Blog

The Villager is back!

Community transport is gearing up: the Villager is back!

The Villager Community Bus service will restart all of their services on Monday 3 August. There will be reduced seating to maintain distances and passengers will need to wear masks.

This is great news for the many rural villages in which The Villager operates in, and for quite a few of the communities  this is the only form of public transport they have.

Well done Villager!! For details see their new website:

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Supply of affordable homes in the countryside threatened

ACRE, the Rural Housing Alliance, Rural Services Network (RSN) and Plunkett Foundation have written to the Secretary of State calling for rural communities with a population of 3,000 or fewer to be exempt from the new affordable housing rules, with local councils able to set their own thresholds for affordable housing in these settlements

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