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Connected Communities Fund – Second Year of Funding Fully Allocated

We’re very pleased to announce that the Connected Communities Fund for 2023/2024 has now been fully distributed to community groups and grass-roots organisations across the county.

62 projects have been supported from the £175,000 fund, with grants ranging from £450 to a maximum of £5000.

Details of groups funded:

CCF2 awardees

This fund opened on rolling basis in September 2023 before closing to new expressions of interest in November 2023 due to overwhelming demand.  This “grants-plus” approach involves working with community groups and organisations to work-up proposals providing a more accessible route to accessing funds.  This programme is not only enabling activities to run in the short-term but also creating an asset-building and capacity-building legacy.

The Connected Communities Fund aims to increase the range of opportunities to get, or remain, connected in communities – in particular for older people and adults with additional needs.  It brings to life ‘the Oxfordshire Way’ – Oxfordshire County Council’s ground-up whole system approach that aims to provide people with the ability to support themselves through personal, local, and system assets that ‘keep them in the centre’.

The team at OCVA and Community First Oxfordshire are looking forward to getting out across the county to visit activities and witness first-hand the contributions of the community and voluntary sector to promote the wellbeing of residents.

Vicki Baker

Community Development Programme Officer, OCVA

The Connected Communities Fund, is being delivered in partnership by OCVA and Community First Oxfordshire and has been made available by Oxfordshire County Council.

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Connected Communities Fund Stories: Banburyshire Advice Centre

The Banburyshire Advice Centre is a vital local charity providing invaluable advice and support services to residents across Oxfordshire and beyond. Founded in 2015 by Andy Willis, the Centre operates out of an office in Banbury town centre while also running clinics at three other locations in the area.

With a team of 8 dedicated volunteers and a receptionist, the Centre assists individuals with a wide range of issues, from filling out benefit forms like Personal Independence Payment and Attendance Allowance applications, to issuing foodbank vouchers and advising on matters related to health, wellbeing, care home choices, work, learning, travel and hobbies. While they do not provide legal, debt or tax advice directly, they can signpost people to organisations specialising in those areas.

The top areas of support provided by the Centre include Personal Independence Payment, Attendance Allowance, Blue Badges for disabled parking, and conducting face-to-face assessments for foodbank vouchers. In recent times, they have seen a surge in demand due to the cost-of-living crisis, with many struggling to keep up with rising utility bills.

The Centre’s services are particularly invaluable for people in the area, aged between 41-83 years old, as well as those from deprived backgrounds, people with a disability, and individuals facing mental health challenges. Their approach is to provide intensive, holistic support – appointments can last up to 2-3 hours as advisers take the time to understand each client’s intersecting issues impacting their life.

As Andy Willis explains, “It’s important to work holistically and give people time. Don’t rush them and allow them to tell their story.” He emphasises the Centre’s non-judgemental philosophy, recognising that most do not want to claim benefits but are forced to do so by circumstances beyond their control. “We help as much as possible,” he states.

The ability to provide this level of care would not be possible without the Centre’s dedicated volunteers. Each one receives comprehensive training and many stay for years, playing to their individual strengths – be it providing that empathetic listening ear during a stressful period or helping to navigate the sometimes bewildering benefits system.

Funding from the Connected Communities Fund has been vital, according to Andy. “It’s allowed us to survive. So, it’s helping the community basically,” he said, noting that the activity likely couldn’t have run without it. However, the impacts will be lasting, supporting the Centre’s work well beyond the funding period.

On average, the Banburyshire Advice Centre helps the people it supports receive around £200 per week in benefits and support they would not have accessed otherwise. But beyond the financial assistance, the Centre provides a caring space where anyone can turn for advice, guidance and solidarity when facing tough times.

To learn more please visit:

Written by Jaime Hewett, Development officer OCVA and Lisa Stead, Project Development Manager, Community First Oxfordshire.

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