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Connected Communities Project Visit – Northway and Marston Community Kitchen

It was a grey day when I visited the Northway and Marston Community Kitchen, but the room was filled with delicious smells and was a hive of activity with the volunteer cooks and helpers hard at work finishing the dishes for the day.

It was inspiring to talk to the volunteers who explained it is a diverse and inclusive community including people from many places in Asia such as Pakistan and Palestine and other regions such as the Caribbean with quite an elderly population. Each week, this is reflected in the food cooked by a different community volunteer resulting in a menu with a unique flavour and cultural influence. To respect everyone’s preferences, halal meat is used and there’s always a vegan option.

The volunteers have food in common and take pleasure in swapping recipes and cooking tips. “Its amazing how one cook uses the same spices, fruits and tea but the taste is different because of the culture and how food is cooked.” I had some tasty vegan noodles and I now know the secret ingredient!

A partner organisation, Northway Together, provide excess food from the foodbank and then additional food and herbs are added from the community garden. People are asked what they would like next week and some of the Connected Communities funds are used to buy protein and additional food to supplement the menu, such as chicken, resulting in food for thirty people.

All sorts of people from the community enjoy the delicious food from the kitchen. Some will eat in the kitchen and chat and others pick up a take away. Theres always a mixture of people, some may have struggles with addiction or debilitating health issues, others are taken food because they are ill, elderly and/or lack mobility. It’s also an intergenerational intercultural space where families can come and children of different backgrounds can play together. The kitchen volunteers go beyond food and help to signpost people to services such as English lessons.

A gentleman explained to what it means to him, “It’s a place to meet people – everyone is very nice and the food is always very good. I do night shifts at the hospital so I can take food home with me to enjoy when I get in”. For a regular the kitchen is, “An absolute Godsend”. She has been active in the community and advocate for community development and education but told me she is now suffering with long Covid so has days when she is unable to leave the house. She said, ”Food has been brought to me on days I can’t get out.” She called it, ” A wonderful way to meet people…a lifeline and a support network…and somewhere you are not judged and made welcome.” It’s been a “Real blessing for me…and I sometimes take food for my Dad and for an elderly lady who I visit. She gets excited that its [hot food and] not a sandwich [which is her usual meal].”

People are encouraged to, ‘Come and cook your food’, as a way to help people feel welcome and included. The team at the kitchen are always looking for ways to be inclusive and commented that, “It takes someone to listen and value people to make a difference. If you feel lonely its good to talk to people. Everyone is welcome no questions asked.” The team have lots of other ideas such as cooking lessons to show people how to make healthy alternatives to less healthy food such as beefburgers from high street chains or substitutes to expensive fruit juices.

The message of the kitchen is of unity and spreading understanding of different cultures as well as sharing healthy food and providing a place where, “Everyone is welcomed with an open heart” and as commented by a lady enjoying the food, “It’s done out of love and kindness.”

Written By Lisa Stead, Project Development Manager

Community First Oxfordshire

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Connected Communities Project Visit – the Valentine Club

A few weeks ago I visited the Valentine Club in the beautiful village of Steeple Aston. Richard the Chair, Alan the Vice Chair, the rest of the committee and attendees were in good spirits and very welcoming. There was a loud buzz of friends chatting, laughing and a sense of anticipation as the afternoon got underway. We were treated to an inspiring talk by Medical Detection Dogs, excellent refreshments, a raffle and a sales table.

The Club had 35 members when Richard took over and now has 100 members and a waiting list of 10 – 3 people asked to join the day I visited! Current members are aged between 60 and 94, it’s “Open to anyone who can get here.” Members come from all over and quite often provide lifts for each other but many come from Steeple Aston village itself.

The Valentine Club is extremely well organised by Richard and the committee and offers a new and varied programme every year. This years packed itinerary includes ten speakers or entertainers to enjoy at the village hall, ranging from a ventriloquism and magic show to singers and talks about leadership and other interesting subjects. There are six day trips to gardens, a winery and several river cruises. Holidays were started 3 years ago. This year the group can enjoy the delights of Eastbourne, the Isle of Wight or a mini-break  to Thursford Christmas Show. The year ends with a very popular Christmas dinner and entertainment – almost 100 people attended last December.

As one member commented, “It offers something different” to other clubs and another that they come for the “friendly atmosphere and because everything is organised.” A member shared that the club couldn’t do it without Richard and the committee, “He’s so committed and gives a great service to everyone – he’s the mainstay – [it’s] so easy you pay and turn up.”

In between the activities I was able to talk to the volunteers and the members to understand how important the club is to everyone. For many it’s a way to connect to others and avoid feeling alone, “I live on my own – so it’s really important [to come] to stop isolation,” “It’s important for socialising as I live in the middle of nowhere.” Richard commented that, “It’s a lifeline for people to make friends and its somewhere to meet others. It removes isolation and makes people feel that they belong.” Others agree, “Since I’ve been here I’ve got to know more people,” “It was OK when my husband was alive but its different now,” “It gives people a purpose. I live on my own and I look forward to meeting friends and meeting new people.”

The trips and holidays are a highlight for many and provide an opportunity for travelling in and outside of the county especially for those who are not able to travel independently. “I’ve been more places since coming to the club,” “A lot of people don’t drive so without the club and days out they wouldn’t go anywhere.” A daughter said, “We can take Mum on the trips without worrying about transport or company. She can stay with friends whilst we explore.”

It’s not just the attendees but the committee who enjoy the club. Alan said he volunteers, because he enjoys socialising, “It’s a joy to be here.” Both Richard and Alan agree that that there is a great spirit in the club, “We don’t have to ask for volunteers, people just come forward and help.”

A lot of planning goes into the fabulous Valentine Club, as with most community activities but it’s obvious that all the hard work is worth it as nicely summed up by a group of ladies who said they wouldn’t be without the club and look forward to it every month, “I love coming here – I love the people”, “Its one great big group of friends”, “I wish we could have it twice a month!”

Written By Lisa Stead, Project Development Manager

Community First Oxfordshire

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