Category Archives: News/Blog

SSEN Community Resilience Funding – 2023

For your awareness, Scottish and Southern Electricity Network have announced £280,000 in funds to boost Community Resilience funding again this year.

Key information about the funding:

  • Funds are available for six weeks from 12th June
  • Eligible for communities, councils and charities in grants from £1000 – £10,000 (within the SSEN catchment area)
  • Deadline for funding applications is 5pm, Monday 31st July

All information is in more detail below.

If you are a Town or Parish Council, it might be worth considering writing a Community Emergency Plan using the following templates – Preparing for emergencies – GOV.UK ( – as if successful, an application for this funding could help towards something specific for your own community.

The Emergency Planning Unit can help support you in writing your Community Emergency Plan and can work with you to support your SSEN application if needed.

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Oxfordshire County Council – Councillor Priority Fund – Open for Applications!

Oxfordshire County Council’s Councillor Priority Fund is now open for applications until 30 November 2024 at 5pm. Each County Councillor has a budget of £15,000 which they can allocate to projects in their divisions over the next two financial years. Funding is allocated by Councillors on a rolling basis and early applications are encouraged.

Projects must support the council’s aim to deliver a greener, fairer and healthier county and be supported by at least one County Councillor. The fund is open to voluntary and community sector organisations, alongside town and parish councils, schools and Parent and Teacher Associations.

More information about the scheme, including the online application form can be found on the county council’s website: or for further information about the fund, please email [email protected]

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