Category Archives: News/Blog

Knowledge Exchange Event for Rural Communities – 12th June

Do you live in a rural area of England? Are you interested in community asset ownership – communities which own and run buildings or spaces which matter to them?

The British Academy and Nuffield Foundation funded project ‘Rural assets: policy and practice insights from the devolved nations’ wants to understand whether community asset acquisition supports the empowerment, resilience and wellbeing of rural communities across the UK.

On June 12th we are hosting a knowledge exchange event for rural communities that that are either considering taking on a community asset in the future and those simply interested in finding out more about Community Ownership or Community Asset Transfer. Rural community organisations, community leads, and individual community members based in England are invited to attend. We will be joined by key organisations in the sector who will introduce their work and the support they provide to communities interested in community ownership:

  • Community Ownership Fund
  • Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE)
  • Plunkett Foundation
  • Community Shares
  • Community Land Trust Network

The event aims at introducing Community Ownership and Community Asset Transfer to communities and community members interested in owning and running buildings or spaces which matter to them. We will also share and exchange knowledge and lived experience between rural communities to identify facilitators and barriers within asset acquisition processes. Your views and opinions will be directly fed into policy and legislation. It is hoped that your experience and knowledge will help others to navigate and develop successful projects.

The event will last around 2/2.5h and we will be joined by key player organisations in the field to discuss topics directly related to Community Ownership or Community Asset Transfer in rural contexts, such as:

  • Funding and funding routes available
  • Skills and enterprise useful to acquire/own/run a rural asset.
  • Specific rural circumstances that influence community asset acquisition
  • Facilitators and barriers to community asset acquisition
  • How acquisition processes in rural communities affect empowerment, resilience and wellbeing.

For more information about our project please visit or follow us on Twitter @RuralAssetsUK

A Zoom link for the online event will be emailed to you separately once registered. Please register here:


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Caldecott Community Grants – Apply Now!

This is a great opportunity to get involved and help create positive health and wellbeing opportunities for the Caldecott community.

Community First Oxfordshire (CFO) on behalf of Oxfordshire County Council, is administering small community grant funds for community groups that are active or want to be active in the Caldecott area of Abingdon. The grant programme aims to provide funding for local groups and organisations in the Abingdon Caldecott area to deliver projects which support the recommendations of the Abingdon Caldecott Community Profile Community Insight Profiles | Oxfordshire Insight. A summary sheet can be found here, AbingdonCaldecottCommunityProfileSummarySheet_June23.pdf ( .

It is an exciting chance for community groups serving the Abingdon Caldecott ward community to develop activities and projects to improve health and wellbeing, reduce inequalities and strengthen community assets for local residents. All projects should be working alongside the community and have a community focus.

 The fund welcomes projects which take an Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach. These are projects done by the community for the community using the strengths within the local area (resident gifts, passions and skills and local resources) to encourage community interaction, relationship building, provide support and create positive change based on what the community would like to see happen.

 What type of projects will be funded

Projects that address health and wellbeing (specific health conditions as well as encouraging good health and wellbeing in general), for all ages and groups in the community. Projects should respond to an area identified in the profile (see above links) and can run for a year.  Some examples:

  • Community based mental and physical health and wellbeing – such as peer support groups, other activity groups and projects that support wellbeing
  • Healthy eating – awareness raising, growing and cooking healthy food
  • Healthy mind and body activities such as sport and relaxation projects
  • Activities that create community connections for those who may feel isolated such as befriending projects and activities to encourage relationship building
  • Nature projects such as a community garden, gardening groups and learning about/ maintaining the natural environment to encourage wellbeing for all ages.


How much funding is available

The funding pot is worth £25,000 and you can apply for a Caldecott Community Grant for £150 up to £3,000 depending on your project. All costs for the running of the project will be considered and should be outlined in the budget.

 Who can apply for the funds

The funds are available to community groups (formal or informal), registered charities, limited companies or Community Interest Companies who meet the criteria and are either running a current activity or for new community groups wishing to start-up in the area.* Individuals are not eligible unless they are set up as an organisation with governance in place or are working with a partner organisation. We would expect groups/organisations from outside Abingdon Caldecott to have local knowledge of the area and connections within the community.

* Informal groups will be supported to partner with another constituted organisation or to set up as appropriate. Groups and organisations are required to have suitable organisational policies in place (i.e. data protection, health and safety, safeguarding and Disclosure and Barring Service checks – free for volunteers), covering the organisation and activity. Appropriate levels of relevant insurance must also be in place to cover the activity being funded. Advice and templates can be provided – please contact CFO if you need support.

 The deadline for applications is 30th June 2023 so apply now!

Applications will be reviewed by the Abingdon Caldecott Community Profile Steering Group and grant decisions will be relayed to applicants by the 21st of July

How to apply

Please read the, ‘What you need to know’ information sheet before applying for a Caldecott Community Grant:

‘What You Need To Know’

Please click on this link for a copy of the application form:

 Caldecott Grant Application

Also complete a simple budget template:

Application Budget Template

Hard copy application forms are also available in Caldecott from George at Abingdon Carousel Family Centre and Ellie or Ray at Preston Road Community Centre on the following days/times: Tuesday 7-8pm, Wednesday 11-2.30pm, Friday 9.30-11.30am or Sunday 12-12.45pm.

Return completed applications by email (or post for hard copies) before the 30th June 2023 to [email protected]

If you have any queries, are a new group or want to talk through your application, then please contact Lisa prior to filling out the application form.

Many thanks to all the partners involved in the Abingdon Caldecott Community Profile Steering Group for their support with this work.



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