Children and young people via Eco-Schools can inform a wider community response to climate change

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Children and young people via Eco-Schools can inform a wider community response to climate change

Step 5 of the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award requires primary and secondary schools to share their practise with the wider community. Children and young people in schools across Oxfordshire, indeed throughout Britain, have been leading the way as ‘eco warriors’ for decades, supported by ‘Eco-Schools Green Flag Award’ initiative. Eco-Schools started in 1994 and now engages 9.5 million children in 67 countries and is the largest education programme in the world. Find out more here about the seven step process schools have to work through to gain a ‘green flag’ and the linked 10 Topics.

Parish councils, local councils, Community Action Groups (CAG) and other climate action, environmental and other biodiversity groups can build on what is already strong  environmentally by partnering their local school.

Parish, local councils and community groups can:
  • draw on the schools expertise gained from Eco-Schools participation and related resources in shaping a deliverable response to climate emergency
  • support schools in participating in Eco-Schools and in meeting specific criteria related the Green Flag Awards


Primary and Secondary Schools Eco-Schools can:
  • actively share their knowledge and practice with the wider community as part of fulfilling the criteria for Step 5 of the Green Flag Award
  • contribute expertise and learning from participating in the Green Flag Awards to a parish wide community climate emergency response
  • co-participate in community-based environmental  activities that the  parish council and CAG’s have prioritised to address climate change


Guidelines for parish, local councils and community groups to benefit from partnership with their local school via Eco-Schools
    1. Familiarise your Parish Council, Local Council or community group with Eco-Schools Green Flag Award and the seven step programme, particularly Step 5 Informing and Involving and the 10 topics.
    2. Step 5 of the seven step programme linked to 10 Topics, is about ‘Informing  and Involving’ and  the eco-committee letting the whole school and wider community know about their eco initiatives,  including contacting parish councils, local councils and community groups.   Click here for ways schools can fulfil Step 5 and suggestions for specific community links that the scheme encourages them to make.
    3. Get in touch with your local school to see what they have already been doing at the heart of your community, via Eco-Schools. If they have an Eco-Schools Green Flag Award or two, then there is much to be learnt from them, and if they haven’t then why not encourage them to register. Download an introductory ‘Eco-Community Enquiry’ email to your local school here
    4. Use  Eco -Schools 10 Topics to think through community environmental initiatives you are planning that could involve the school. Group priority climate emergency community actions under each of the associated 10 topics to make it as easy as possible for the school to join in. Download a sample crib sheet for this template here.
    5. Communicate these eco opportunities with your local school via a meeting with the school Eco Committee. Discuss and jointly plan ways to enable the Eco Committee and wider school community to participate in delivering them. Download an email template
    6. Share dates for community-based environmental events with the school well in advance to enable them to time table their participation.

Look at what schools across Oxfordshire are achieving via Eco Schools in relation to caring for the environment to get ideas for your community. For example: Stonesfield Primary, Oxfordshire

More information about ECO-Schools and related resources:


CFO supporting community action for 100 years 

CFO supports sustainable community life across Oxfordshire through a range of services, expert advisers, trainers  and resources. Click on the following links for more information about some of our core services:


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