Community Action

Community Action

Key elements of effective community action include reaching out to others, active listening, connecting and motivating one another, harnessing local skills and talents, action planning and delivery, as well as good communication. CFO offers free advice and training workshops to support you in working with others to strengthen what is already strong, and to help you plan and deliver new social action projects and initiatives with your local community.

Our FREE advice includes:

  • Prioritising and identifying projects
  • Setting up a Community Action Steering Group
  • Creating simple surveys
  • Developing a project plan
  • Implementing the project plan
  • Monitoring and evaluating

Do you have a Community Action initiative in mind?

You and fellow residents might want to undertake a one-off project. Or you may have undertaken a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) or Community Led Plan (CLP) and identified community action projects as part of the consultation process. Perhaps you are thinking of initiatives that could involve engaging children and young people?  CFO encourages and actively support inclusive, all age approaches to community action, for example involving partnership work with schools, After School Clubs and Youth Groups.

See below for tips on how to kick off a new community project.


Are you looking to brush on your existing community development skills or develop new ones?

CFO runs tailored training for residents of all ages, including young people and children, parish councillors and community groups. Our training includes:

For more information please email [email protected]  or call 01865 883488.

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