Oil and the Cost of Living Crisis

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Oil and the Cost of Living Crisis

So as it is now officially Autumn it seems timely to look at oil deliveries for this coming winter.

With this in mind we would suggest the following winter precautions:

1. Check your oil tanks

Fuel companies are becoming increasingly fussy about the condition of oil tanks and will not supply if the driver is in any doubt.  Now is the time to check them for access, condition and general maintenance.  I have attached details of what to look for and also where to go for further advice.

2.  Ensure your boiler is serviced regularly

Ensure that the engineer also checks the pipes back to the tank from the boiler and he should also check the filters at the base of the tank

3. Oil Monitors

These are not always as accurate as you might think and can go wrong.  We would suggest you physically dip your tank with a stick to gauge the level and then check with your meter to ensure that it is still reading accurately

4. Usage

We can all be caught out by how much oil we use when a cold snap hits and now that people are working from home more, oil consumption will increase. So please keep a check on your oil levels and as soon as you think you fit in the minimum 500 litres, then that is the time to order.


UKIFDA, the trade body for the liquid fuel distribution industry, has met with the government to discuss the most efficient way of getting the £100 fixed payment, announced on 19th September, to ALL heating oil customers.


Their statement and advice, from 27th September 2022, is as below: ‘Inevitably this will take some time, so we strongly recommend that customers do not wait if they need heating oil. We are working closely with the government to find a solution and ensure that heating oil households receive their £100 as soon as possible.’


Therefore, we cannot stress highly enough at this point how important it will be this winter to ensure that you have enough oil to last for at least 14 days supply. This in reality for most will mean that you should not allow your tank to fall below about 12” of oil.  We are not suggesting panic buying, but to please keep a check on your oil tank and oil levels and place your order as soon as you are able. Delaying your order now means you may need to top up in the winter when spikes in demand can lead to longer wait times and the risk of running out.

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