Vicki Baker (a Community Development Programme Officer from OCVA) recently attended a ‘Singing Sundays’ session at Barracks Lane Community Garden, where the Connected Community Fund has helped, here is Vicki’s write-up detailing her experience:
A few Sundays ago, I headed into Oxford to attend a ‘Singing Sundays’ session at Barracks Lane Community Garden. I was welcomed and given a tour by Hannah, the garden Coordinator as the rest of the singers arrived. It was a hot one, but we’d come prepared with our sunhats and airiest clothes, and we sought a shadier part of the garden.
As we got started a number of the group took the opportunity to kick off their shoes and feel the cool grass between their toes as we were led by our expert singing leader, Holly.
As we sung about the sunshine and about the power and magic of boldness, I found myself immersed in the moment – focusing on our voices and the words that we sang. A moment to slow down and a great escape from the busy world of day-to-day life. Not being much of a singer myself, I was pleasantly surprised by the sound that we created as a group – very much due to the talent of Holly in bringing us all together.
I spoke separately to some of the group, and it was clear how everyone leaves the garden feeling a bit brighter and lighter having had a sing together.
“It’s a very nourishing environment, especially with all the flowers and the trees and just being outside. And allowing our voices to be heard outside – sometimes the birds help!
It’s just really special.”
Barracks Lane Community Garden is currently looking for a Treasurer to join their Trustee Board. If you’d like to find out how you could support this beautiful green space and its vibrant community, please contact the Coordinator at [email protected]