Fuel Poverty Awareness Day – 2nd December 2022

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Fuel Poverty Awareness Day – 2nd December 2022

  • Households where the age of the youngest member us 11-15 live in the deepest fuel poverty.
  • Around 10,000 more people die across the UK every winter from cold homes.
  • Adolescents growing up cold face stigmatisation, social isolation, and feelings of helplessness, which can negatively impact on educational attainment and social mobility.
  • UK average annual direct debit energy bill in October 2021:


UK average annual direct debit bill in April 2023:


  • What an ‘average’ household energy usage based on? Electricity per year – 2,900 kWh and Gas per year – 12,000 kWh.
  • Babies living in colder temperatures require more calories for growth and are more likely to have lower-than-average weight gain and dietary deficiency as young children.
  • Carers are often in financially difficult situations due to their reduced earning potential and diminished opportunities for learning and training.
  • Children living in fuel poverty have higher rates of asthma, as well as other severe respiratory problems.
  • Households where somebody has a disability often need greater levels of warmth to manage their health condition, and spend more of their time at home.
  • Homes heated electrically by technologies other than heat pumps often have higher energy costs as the unit price of electricity is so much higher than gas.
  • In a typical winter 30% of excess winter deaths in the UK are related to cold homes.
  • Lone parent households and households where the age of the youngest member is under 5 are at the highest risk of experiencing fuel poverty.
  • If you have a long-term illness or disability, you are 50% more likely to be living in fuel poverty.
  • Low energy efficient homes have much higher energy demands, leaving occupants more exposed to high energy prices.
  • Low income and financially vulnerable households are the least able to afford high prices, and more likely to ration their energy use.
  • Homes that use neither gas nor electricity for heating are particularly exposed to price increases as their heating fuels are not regulated.
  • 75% of households in Northern Ireland rely on Home Heating Oil, which is an unregulated fuel.
  • 80% of householders in Northern Ireland said they’d rationed using their central heating to help to reduce costs.
  • 75% of householders in Northern Ireland said they were stressed, anxious or worried about paying for the cost of energy either at present or in the winter months ahead.
  • Parents living in fuel poverty are much more likely to develop depression compared to parents who live in a warm home.
  • Up to 45% of all Welsh households are in fuel poverty.
  • 98% of lower income households in Wales are in fuel poverty.

If you are struggling with your energy bills go to nea.org.uk/energyhelp for income maximisation tips and energy efficiency advice and support.


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