Development management (planning applications)

Development management (planning applications)

We can help with co-ordinating a response on behalf of the community/ Parish or Town Council in respect of planning applications submitted by developers, landowners and others.Ideally, open dialogue with landowners happens before a developer is selected so that benefits for the community can be secured. If already built into the approach this will mean the policy obligations can be delivered rather than being negotiated away on viability grounds.

Overview of CFO services

  • Early identification of proposals emerging through a Local Plan and making representations on behalf of owners, community groups, businesses and so forth
  • Organising and co ordinating community consultation and stakeholder engagement
  • Clarifying visions and concerns (SWOT etc.) including interests to be protected
  • Commissioning studies
  • Making submissions to and speaking at Examination in Public on Local Plans
  • Advice/ critique commentary on design of schemes, options, masterplanning
  • Project management of development management process including quality control, consultations processes, co ordination of specialist inputs e.g. heritage, ecology
  • Preparation of applications – planning statements covering policy analysis, site specific matters
  • Critiques of Design and Access Statements, working with designers
  • Negotiating planning conditions with Local Authority on behalf of applicant or even for objectors
  • Identifying potential reasons for refusal
  • Speak at committee meetings on behalf of applicant/third parties
  • Contributions to S106/ CIL discussions

Why development management matters

Preparing proposals for development requires understanding of and practice in the planning system. Some developments may be classed as not being development under the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act, others may be classed as permitted development. In neither case will an application for planning permission be necessary.

Applications may be treated as minor or major which has a bearing on how quickly the decision can be made, and major applications are more likely to need additional environmental impact studies to be completed. The latter can be screened out at an early stage but where there is a need a scoping report highlights the issues that need to be addressed.

A lot of advice can be obtained at the pre application stage, but as with most applications there is also a fee payable to the Local Authority for “pre app advice”. Some matters such as minerals and waste are dealt with by County Councils whereas most applications are dealt with by the District Councils.


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