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Transport, health provision, loneliness and a lack of affordable housing top list of concerns identified by rural charities feature

Transport, health provision, loneliness and a lack of affordable housing top list of concerns identified by rural charities

By cfo-admin | 5 Oct' 23

Research by Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) paints a picture of how organisations supporting rural communities have adapted post pande

Share your views on Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West feature

Share your views on Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West

By cfo-admin | 4 Oct' 23

Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB) is about to redesign its non-emergency patient transport services and

Oxfordshire NHS and Local Authorities Stakeholders Briefing (September 2023) feature

Oxfordshire NHS and Local Authorities Stakeholders Briefing (September 2023)

By cfo-admin | 3 Oct' 23

This report has been jointly produced by Oxfordshire Local Authorities and local NHS organisations. Read the full report here: Oxfordshire System Stak

Have you got RAAC (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete), present in your community building? feature

Have you got RAAC (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete), present in your community building?

By cfo-admin | 28 Sep' 23

Here is some information about where in buildings the ‘concrete’ was used between the 1950’s and 1990’s

Oxfordshire Nature Campaign Gains Momentum: Sign the E-Petition Today feature

Oxfordshire Nature Campaign Gains Momentum: Sign the E-Petition Today

By cfo-admin |

In the face of a pressing biodiversity, climate and health crisis, Oxfordshire’s environmental community is rallying together to make a resoundi

A Planner’s View – permitted development rules feature

A Planner’s View – permitted development rules

By cfo-admin | 27 Sep' 23

Planning and development are big themes for CFO  members – written by our in-house Town Planner, Stephen McKenna, we are beginning a new occasi

Putting the place in placemaking feature

Putting the place in placemaking

By cfo-admin | 19 Sep' 23

60+ people came together to discuss community-led stewardship at a CFO conference on 15 September at Chesterton Community Centre. Parish and town coun

New CFO service to support community-led stewardship feature

New CFO service to support community-led stewardship

By cfo-admin | 14 Sep' 23

CFO is delighted to launch a new community-led stewardship support service, created with our colleagues at Wild Oxfordshire, Collaborative Housing, Fu