OCVA’s CEO Laura Price recently visited CyclAbility (formerly WheelsForAll) who were one of the organisations to recently receive funding thro
CFO is proud to stand in solidarity with those who identify as LGBTQIA+. This Pride month, we celebrate the work of so many to advance […]
For your awareness, Scottish and Southern Electricity Network have announced £280,000 in funds to boost Community Resilience funding again this year.
Oxfordshire County Council’s Councillor Priority Fund is now open for applications until 30 November 2024 at 5pm. Each County Councillor has a budge
This report has been jointly produced by Oxfordshire Local Authorities and local NHS organisations on the response and recovery efforts around COVID-1
Collaborative Housing – the CFO-hosted support service for community-led housing in the Thames Valley – is delighted to announce that all
National Lottery Grant award for OurBus Bartons: In 2016, Oxfordshire County Council withdrew their grant/subsidy to Stagecoach, the subsequence of wh
HELP AVAILABLE FOR VILLAGE HALL CAPITAL PROJECTS Help is available for new buildings, capital improvements or major work. Routine repair and mainten