Rural Isolation in Oxfordshire – March 2022

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Rural Isolation in Oxfordshire – March 2022

Community First Oxfordshire (CFO) – on behalf of Healthwatch Oxfordshire – was commissioned to carry out a survey and community engagement exercise to better understand the levels of isolation felt in rural communities.


Oxfordshire is a rural county and for many rural communities accessing services physically (and in some places online) is an ongoing issue. With many key services remaining online as a consequence of the pandemic, it is important to understand the extent of rural isolation felt by individuals living in rural communities.

A survey was designed to gather anonymous information on aspects of isolation. The survey included both quantitative and qualitative questions on place, access to services, and respondents own experiences. The online and hard copy survey was carried out in December 2021 and was supported by focus group discussions and interviews carried out in January 2022.

The survey results provide an initial benchmark on the levels of rural isolation felt in rural communities. Healthwatch Oxfordshire, where possible, will take forward the learnings made in this report. The report will also be shared with relevant organisations including voluntary and community organisations, Oxfordshire County Council, District Councils, and Parish Councils.

To read the report in full, please click on the link below:

Rural Isolation in Oxfordshire Report March 2022

To read an account of someone’s experience of rural isolation, please click on the link below:

Your stories – Healthwatch Oxfordshire

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