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South Stoke Village Hall

South Stoke, South Oxfordshire


Cross Keys Road, South Stoke, Oxon, RG8 0JT

Booking Contact

Mrs Ann Powell
t: 01491-872965
e: [email protected]

Facilities Available

Seated Capacity 70

Car park spaces 3

The Village Hall car park is the grass area immediately beyond the Hall on the right cars may only be parked in this car-park area, and except for very short-duration unloading and loading may not be left unattended outside the main doors of the Hall.

– The main hall room – approx 22’ x 35’ – with strip lighting and heating (when
required). There is also an additional curtained stage area at one end, plus a walk-in cupboard, containing some 12 folding-leg tables of various sizes. There are approximately 70 chairs which – when not in use – are required to be stored in stacks of 5 against the hall walls, or on the stage.

– A kitchen room – with a fridge, electric kettle and urn and two sinks with hot
and cold running water

– Separate Ladies and Gents toilets – each with a basin with hot and cold.

– Also available for use by prior special arrangement:
• An electric range cooker – in the kitchen
• A sound system
• A special lighting system
• A film projector

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