People are the bedrock of community action and volunteers undertake a huge amount of work. However, we know that in many places the number of volunteers is reducing and the average age of those involved in community activity is increasing.
CFO offers training to help your community retain and recruit volunteers:
- Finding the ‘unusual suspects’ – strategies for recruiting and retaining new volunteers
Other sources of support
- OpenLearn – Introducing the voluntary sector
- NCVO – Advice on involving and managing volunteers during the coronavirus outbreak
- Institute for Volunteering Research (IVR) – reports, data & statistics
- UK Civil Society ALMANAC 2019 – data, trends, insights
- NCVO – Good practice in volunteer management
- NCVO – Get the perfect volunteer -creating volunteer roles
- Cranfield Trust – The role of Trustees at a time of crisis
- NCVO – Governance Crisis: Support for trustees during the coronavirus pandemic
- UK – The Essential Trustee: what you need to know, what you need to do
- NCVO Trustee Recruitment Toolkit
- NCVO Trustee Training Pack – The foundations of good governance
- NCVO – The Board appraisal tool kit: self-assessment for chairs and trustees
- NCVO – Make your Board effective
- NCVO – A trustee’s role and responsibilities
- Charity Governance Code – Good Governance