Transport Support for Ukrainians – Grants for Car and Minibus Schemes

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Transport Support for Ukrainians – Grants for Car and Minibus Schemes

Funds for supporting Ukrainians in villages and towns near your car and minibus schemes are now available. We (Community First Oxfordshire) are administering the funds on behalf of the County Council.

There are three pots of funds available for:

  1. Capacity Building Grants: Small grants are available to car schemes to offer support to Ukrainians in their communities by subsidising the cost of fuel, promoting and recruiting new volunteers, funding insurance and DBS checks. Maximum grant per applicant: £500
  1. New Transport Schemes for Ukrainians Grants: Larger grants are available to community groups in the process of setting up new community transport initiatives. Funding will support setting up costs including maintenance of vehicles, training, insurance, fuel subsidy and DBS checks. Maximum grant per applicant: £3,000
  1. Community Minibus Grants: Small grants are available to minibus schemes to offer support to Ukrainians in their communities by subsidising the cost of fares (for schemes not running concessionary fares), cost of fuel, promoting and recruiting new volunteers, funding insurance and DBS checks. Maximum grant per applicant: £1,500

Please fill in the application form here.

If you want to talk through your application beforehand, then don’t hesitate to contact Emily via email ([email protected]) or email across your contact number and she will call you.

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